The Ministry of Pastor Roger Grassham and trusted friends
My wonderful friend in ministry Helen Yousaf, has given me permission to show you some of her inspirational artwork. Helen is a wonderful, prophetic songwriter, worship leader and cellist. Several times, I have personally commissioned paintings from Helen as special gifts to churches who have blessed me, and the people I have the privilege to minister with. If you are interested in having specially painted work, then click the link below and it will direct you to Helen's website.
You will find on Helen's site (Link below) a wide range of amazing art that has been produced already, which you can purchase directly, either originals or prints. Helen will also consider bespoke requests for work. I hope you are inspired, and drawn closer to God by the amazing creativity that you see.
Displayed here are three pictures that I have chosen to highlight on this page. They represent prophetic pictures that are of significance to me, and speak of:
Lion of the tribe of Judah. [Friend King]
Seeing what is going on from God's perspective & Isaiah 40:31 healing in the wings. [Flying in Community]
Fruitfulness, the Vine and John 15. (Psalm 1 - The Godly Walk]
A Picture that shows roots going deep, an established tree and branches bearing fruit.
The Lion of the tribe of Judah.
He comes with healing in His wings.
A Picture that shows roots going deep, an established tree and branches bearing fruit.