The Ministry of Pastor Roger Grassham and trusted friends
Read and test articles, teaching and blogs by Roger Grassham and his trusted friends
In my website I want to share spiritual insight and strategic viewpoints with a prophetic emphasis. The picture shown here is significant and strategic.
The eagle is known to fly high, and has keen eyesight to look at a wide area with a sharp focus. Eagles have a number of attributes that have spiritual significance that we can learn from:
They fly alone and at altitude. So, spending time alone with God to see things from His perspective is vital.
They have strong vision. So must we. We must fix our eyes on Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to sharpen our focus and awareness of what God wants us to see.
They only eat what is full of life. The Holy Spirit will bring the word of God to life and ensure His word is alive and active within us; see Hebrews 4:12.
They love a storm. We tend not to like problems and circumstances that trouble us. However, God uses these to work His patience, perseverance and self control in us. God's perspective is often different from ours! God's ways are different to ours.
They test before trusting. We so need to test what we hear, and especially prophecy. It is very important not to just swallow everything we read or hear. Prophets should test prophets, and always ensure lifestyle matches what they say!
They invest in training their young. Presenting young people with life's realities by tests and challenges may be uncomfortable, but are often necessary. Training those of younger generations must include sharing the lessons learned through hardship, discomfort and pressure. This is clearly stated in 1 Peter 1:7
They rejuvenate themselves. Periodically eagles pluck out all of their feathers and hide away for a period of time until new feathers grow. This reminds me of another analogy. If we are to bear good fruit we must take time aside, and allow the 'vinedresser' to prune the vine of our branches so that we bring forth more fruit, fruit that remains. See John 15:16
As in the natural, so in the spiritual. God watches over us in a similar way to those mentioned above. He is looking eternally at His people and His church. He wants us, His people, to see things from His perspective rather than our own.
Within this site I share from my years of experience. You will find teachings and inspirational content. My hope and prayer is for the content to stimulate deeper faith and trust in God. My desire is that 'Prophetic Thoughts' will ignite, or reignite a passion in you for truth and prophetic insight. My sincere wish is always to walk with God and minister prophetically with honesty, integrity, and truth in balance. Come and journey with me!
My Background
I have had the privilege of gaining experience in Christian Ministry and Service for over 40 years. In the bible, the writer to the Hebrews Chapter 13 v 21 desires that God will 'equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever, Amen' NKJV.
My desire is similar, in wanting to help people to follow God, hear His voice clearly, and be obedient to His will and purpose. This is especially important when we want to live out the Christian life with a 'prophetic' cutting edge. I feel strongly that it is so important to communicate clearly, ensuring what we say is sound, true, and full of integrity.
I hope and pray that the material you find on this site will be stimulating, insightful and encouraging as you walk with God, and have an ear to His voice day by day.