The Church is in the melting pot (We are the Church!)
What is going on? It is the beginning of a new year, and the nation continues to be challenged by the fallout from the worldwide...
The Ministry of Pastor Roger Grassham and trusted friends
Insight, Teaching and Prophetic Material in Balance
You will find my regular blogs at the bottom of this welcome page.
The picture shows an example of the sort of pots that the widow will have filled with oil as told to by the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 4:2-5). God released a miracle of provision to the woman and her son by following the prophet's instructions, by faith.
I have two main aims for this website. Firstly to provide encourage you to recognise the role of the prophetic in Church life, through God's people. Here I want to provide you with useful articles, blogs and other resources with a prophetic cutting edge. I hope you will find these stimulating and challenging. I pray that they will not only help you to grow in knowledge and understanding in your discipleship walk with God, but to open your eyes to the way God wants to use you prophetically.
Secondly I want to provide a a safe place to dialogue about the Christian prophetic realm in a balanced way. I hope it helps you to see the need to keep prophecy and prophetic declaration full of scriptural truth as well as encourage Holy Spirit led insight.
Prophecy is much needed in the Church today, more than ever before. Linked with apostolic ministry, it establishes foundations. It helps bring revelation and an emphasis on righteousness and purity in motivation.
It is essential that all prophecy be soundly based on 'a more sure word of prophecy' (2 Peter 1:19). In other words, that declared prophecy is not at variance with the written word of God. Also, that any prophecy uttered or written is redemptive, even when there is a challenge to lifestyle within it.
Sometimes I feel a prompting to write, and you will find examples in my blog. At other times I come across Holy Spirit inspired prophetic utterances and teaching that are worthy of sharing. Please note: I will always seek the authors permission to share before publishing them here.
My hope is, that you find encouragement and inspiration here. I pray that the material will stimulate your pursuit of God's will and purpose for your life, and encourage you to launch out in faith yourself.
I would like you to come back and visit from time to time.
God Bless.